The Powerful Healing Vibrations of a Gong

I'm Shannon!

 I am here to help you practice self-care and discover your purpose by regulating your nervous system, tuning into your intuition and taking aligned action.

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Listen to a gong bath to help clear your mind, release stress and feel more centered.

Gongs have been incorporated into many cultures, traditions and practices since the 6th century CE. They can produce powerful vibrations to clear the mind, release stuck energy and create a meditative state for deep healing to occur.

When I listen to the sound of a gong, it’s almost like I am transported to a different time and place. The thoughts that circle around in my head slow down and eventually get quiet. I feel centered and more connected to my inner self.

What are the benefits of listening to a gong bath?

While the experience may be different each time based on your energy and the environment that day, some of the benefits can include:

  • Relax and release stress by calming the nervous system 
  • Reduce distractions to focus the mind
  • Create a meditative state
  • Tap into creativity and self-discovery 
  • Improve the quality of sleep 

Are you ready to experience a gong bath? Press play on the video below.

The gong in the video is a Chinese temple wind gong. The main note is E, which is particularly healing to the solar plexus – an energetic center for power and confidence. 

How do you feel after listening to the vibrations of the gong? Comment below to share your experience. If you would like to experience a sound bath virtually or in-person, send me a message on the contact form of the website.

With grounding and healing energy,

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